Unfolding the Map

Unfolding the Map

The Map to Inspiration, Part 2 Unfolding the MapEnter your email to be notified when this course is open for enrollment. Success! First Name Last Name Email Subscribe Let’s continue the journey The Map to Inspiration was about remembering what we wanted to...
The Map to Inspiration

The Map to Inspiration

The Map to Inspiration email listEnter your email here to be notified when this course opens for enrollment. Success! First Name Last Name Email Subscribe A 4-week course on returning to your creative intuition. Four weeks to hear your inner voice again. Four weeks to...
31 Days of Pep Talks

31 Days of Pep Talks

We all could use some encouragement sometimes. This is a class about encouraging you to write. Every day, for 31 days, you’ll get an email with a link to a video. The video is a pep talk from me, encouraging you to honor your creativity and make time to write,...