A 4-week course on returning to your creative intuition.
Four weeks to hear your inner voice again.
Four weeks to remember what it’s like to get inspired.
Four weeks to get excited about your creative work again.
Four weeks to learn to trust yourself, to prioritize your creativity, and to make things.
It’s time to hear your inspiration again
I want you to be able to ask “What if?” and “I wonder…” without your brain finishing those sentences as “What if I posted to Instagram?” or “I wonder if I should put this on the internet?” If you’re ready to get to a place of those What Ifs and I Wonders feeding your creativity, you’re ready for this class.
After years of being presented with so, so many loud and insistent voices online, telling us what to do, it’s time to trust ourselves again, trust that we know how to honor our own creativity, and how to write the stories that only we can write.
By the end of this course, you’ll have a map to your own inspiration — actions and methods that are specific to your own creative work. Let’s all get back to giving ourselves time for imagination and making things. Let’s get back to following the meandering paths of our imagination. This course is about slowing down, stepping away from robotic notions of productivity and more toward the organic process of catching a seed of inspiration, and slowly feeding it and helping it grow into something awesome.
How much time will I need each week?
This is a four-week course, but the structure of each week is up to you. You can spend anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours. I understand that some of us have more time available than others. You will be figuring out how to fit the creative work you want to be doing into your schedule. Only you know how deeply you’re ready to shift things. You may want to approach each week with curiosity and think about how you can slowly make some changes, or you may be ready to go all in and completely change how you approach your day.
What is the format for this class?
The syllabus is:
- Week 1: Opening the Channel. Recognizing where you are spending time on tasks that you don’t actually want to do, and how to decide what you really want to spend time on.
- Week 2: Remembering Your Inspiration. Curating your inputs, aka “Reading Week.” (It’s more than reading, though.)
- Week 3: Realigning with Your Intuition. “Writing Week,” in which we’ll curate your output — you’ll think about what you want to write / create, and start making those things.
- Week 4: Integration. Knowing what you have learned the previous three weeks, how can you put it all together and take it forward into your creative life? Week 4 will also include a wrap-up Zoom session.
Each week, there will be a video from Julie (about 10 minutes long), including captions and a full transcript. Each week includes a downloadable workbook with concepts, ideas, actions, journal prompts, and/or resources. There will also be a forum on Discord where we can share with each other and ask any questions.
Will Julie be able to answer my questions?
Yes! I will be part of the discussion group, and you are also welcome to email me questions that come up during class.
Is this only for writers?
It’s for any type of artist or creative person. It’s for anyone who wants to connect or reconnect with their own creative intuition.
But what if my creative process is totally different from yours?
I’m sure it is! There are millions of different ways to approach creativity. This course is about finding what works for you — about realizing what has been blocking you from your creative voice, and how to get back to that. I’ll share what has worked for me, and give suggestions, but teh weeks are unstructured and open on purpose. There are no prescriptive rules in this course, because what works for me might not work for you. I will encourage you to: step away from social media, create more time in your day for quiet space without listening to or watching anything, make some things without using a computer, and to get outside if possible, but you don’t have to do any of that if it’s not right for you.
This is for you and YOUR process. The process of reconnecting with your intuition is really about putting in the time to do the work and remember that you can trust yourself and your creative process. Intuition comes from practicing at something until you know what works and how to make it good.
Will this class be available later?
This class is designed for a group of us to work together (and separately) at the same time, so we can discuss our processes and learn from each other. Doors will close a few days into the first week. If you want to be notified when this class opens again, enter your email in the box at the top of this page.
Are there payment plans and scholarships available?
There is a payment plan (four monthly installments, no interest). there are a limited number of scholarships available for this class for underrepresented writers and writers of need. Send Julie a message if this applies ot you.
No returns or refunds on this class.
What if I still have a question?
Then click here to contact Julie, and she’ll answer any other questions you have:
Meet Julie
I’m Julie (she/her). I write books for children, and write about how to do creative work in these modern, distracting, times in my newsletter.
I am deeply committed to creating stories, and also to getting everyone else to prioritize their own creativity, so that I’ll have more excellent art and stories to consume.
The last 5 years or so, I have been on a journey to step away from social media and digital distractions. Being online had affected my brain and creativity in a way that I couldn’t sit with anymore. I found I craved the quick-fix reward and validation of someone “liking” my internet post, when what I really wanted to be doing was building something slowly, offline. The reward for deep creative work is internal for much of the process. The external rewards, if they come, don’t happen for years. This is ok. We can make things slowly and know we are doing good work, even if we don’t get constant digital false rewards. This class is about deepening our relationship with our own creativity. It’s about learning how to be ok with the slow, good work of making something great.
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