This guy is 8 now. He likes to say he’s part Bigfoot. Which he might be. Since his feet are bigger than mine. It’s been a few years since we’ve done a birthday mix, but Eli had enough songs he’s obsessed with right now to fill an hour. Need a...
So the other morning I woke up to find Eli at the dining room table hacking away at The Complete Works of William Shakespeare with a razorblade. I think I passed out. Around the time I got up off the floor, he’d abandoned the Shakespeare (“these pages are...
So, what do you get when you add two Star-Wars-obsessed kids, Legos, and a video camera? This. (Also: I feel the need to mention that they haven’t actually seen any of the Star Wars movies. So this is their version of Star Wars via, you know, book...
Last week we finished up our year at our homeschool co-op. One of the best parts was that Eli got to be in a drama class that lasted the whole year. He took to the stage like nobody’s business. They worked so hard on their year-end plays. Here’s Eli before...
First, I love that Portland changed the Time & Temperature building message for National Poetry Month. Of course, because of space limitations, it sort of reads like Cookie Monster yelling at you, but still, it made me smile. Second, the boys were so inspired by...